If You Don't Remember Your Password

If you need to Link an Existing Account and you do not know your Foliotek username and password, follow these steps:

  1. Go to https://secure.foliotek.com/Forgotpassword.aspx 
  2. In the box for 'Username or Email', enter your DCCCD email address
  3. Click 'Email Reset Link'  (check your junk mail folder if you don't receive the email)

4. Use the link in the email to reset the password for your account immediately after receiving the email (for security, this link will expire 15 minutes after being sent)

5. Enter your new password into the 'password' and 'confirm' fields and click 'Reset Password'

6. Use your username and new password to Link Your Existing Foliotek Account from your eCampus course.

If you do not know the username or email address associated with your Foliotek account, and therefore, cannot reset your password, contact the Foliotek support team at support@foliotek.com or 1.888.365.4639 option 2
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